Welcome to All Saints Episcopal Church

We are glad you are here. On our Facebook Live site, you can actively participate in our weekly services as follows:

a) Sunday Eucharistic Service – 10:00 AM Pacific Time

We welcome you to help the All Saints Community to continue to pray, live, and work in the midst of God’s people by sharing your time, talent, and resources.

You can also call: 360-573-8106 or email: admin@allsaints-vancouver.org.

Always striving to keep our Baptismal Covenant

by loving, accepting, and respecting every precious soul!


Holy Eucharist

this 9th Sunday after Pentecost/ Proper 11

July 21, 2024

10:00 am

Join us in person or virtually
Facebook Live.


Join our Sunday Morning Learning Circle

Greetings Saints, Father Joe here.  I am pleased to invite you to our first Sunday Morning Learning Circle this Sunday Morning, July 21, at 9:00 am in the Saints in Glory Chapel.  This Sunday, Deacon John Riherd wil help us explore one of the foundtions of our Episcopal faith, The Book of Common Prayer.  Whether you are a “cradle” Episcopalian or are new to the “Via Media” Way of the Episcopal Church, Deacon John will have some exciting insights about our dear liturgical companion The Book of Common Prayer.  Please join us from 9:00 – 9:30 am this Sunday to take the journey around the Learning Circle with Deacon John.  See you there!


 July 21, 2024

Welcome to the Book of Common Prayer

This week, week one of our series on the Book of Common Prayer (or “BCP” as we will usually refer to it), we will focus on what the BCP is, the reasons for it, and some of its history.  We will expand on the details of BCP in subsequent weeks.  It is important to start with a sense of the depth and breadth of this beautiful work.  There will be no quizzes.

The full title of the BCP is The Book of Common Prayer and Adminisration of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church Together with The Psalter or Psalms of David Accoriding to the use of The Episcopal Church.  That gives us some idea of the enormity of the subjects and text we will find within this one relatively small volume.

The series will begin Sunday, July 21st @ 9:00 am in the chapel and end at 9:30 am.  Because of the brief time, some of the sessions will flow into the following presentation:

Welcome to the Book of Common Prayer and history of the early church

7/28 & 8/11
Holy Eucharist and the liturgy of the Word

8/11 & 8/18 
The Church Calendar and Seasons

Tools for Prayer and Spiritual Practices plus questions, answers and summary.



Our beautiful and loving piano that has served All Saints for 30+ years is looking for a home.

Now is the chance to bring the gift of music into your home.  Whether you have a child, grandchild, or yourself that plays piano or would lke to learn to play, this is a wonderful opportunity.

Did we mention that it is FREE!!

Also, and this is not in the small print, you must move it.

If interested, please contact the church office or speak to Fr. Joe, Ann or Darlene at coffee hour.




Hey Saints!  Back to school time is almost here and we have another great opportunity to help our  Lincoln Logger students get the new school year started in a good way.  The All Saints Annual Lincoln Logger Backpack and School Supply event is coming up soon.  You can help in several ways.  All Saints has committed to purchasing the school supplies and our partner Trinity Lutheran is supplying the backpacks.  Help by purchasing some school supplies for the kids, and/or volunteeing for the 2 Backpack/School Supply giveaway opportunities coming up.  Here is the story….

Purchase School Supplies for The Loggers. There is a display board for the School Supply Giveaway upstairs in the Narthex and during coffee hour, in the Parish Hall.  Simply take one or more of the buying cards that Mona has prepared, purchase that item and bring it/them to the church and put it in the School Supply bin in the Narthex.  Take as many cards as you like, but we ask that you only purchase the item on the card.  No subsititutions please, as we want all the backpacks to have the same items in them.  Please have your school supply gift in the bin by Sunday, August 11th.

Participate in the Backpack Load-up and Backpack Giveways Events.  On Friday, August 16th at Noon at Trinity Lutheran Church, come and help sort supplies and load the backpack for the Lincoln Students.  This activity typcally takes about 2 hours.  On Saturday, August 17th you can help by distributing the loaded backpacks to the students at Trinity Lutheran and Lincoln Elementary starting at 9:30 am.  This activity typically lasts until Noon, but any amount of time you can spare is greatly apreciated.

Thanks in advance for supporting our Lincoln Loggers again this year.  For more information contact Micheline or Art Luciani our Outreach Team Leaders.


Nursery care will be provided for children 0-5 years and Busy Bags for all youth are available as well.


All Saints Google Calendar
~Quick Look~


July 21, 2024 –  Proper 11:  
Holy  Eucharist  at  10:00 AM   in-person and                  virtually on Facebook Live.  
July 28, 2024 –   Proper 12: 
Holy  Eucharist   at 10:00 AM
                                   in-person and virtually on  Facebook Live.  

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